Our PSG meeting is held on the first Monday of each month (January excepted) at the Scout hall, starting at 6.30pm. All parents and other community minded friends are welcome to attend. Our Committee ensures the Group is compliant with regulations, the Group facilities are up to standard, and there is enough financing to support the activities of the Group and maintain the hall and equipment.
The Committee has a number of office bearers who are elected each year and include the Group Chairperson, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Hall Custodian, Fundraising Coordinator, Equipment Officer, Working bee coordinator and Public Relations.
Parental Involvement
When most people think of a Scout group they tend to think only in terms of youth members. The Group does not exist without parent volunteers, and there is an expectation that as a parent or carer of a youth member you contribute to the group's ongoing success by:
Assisting at weekly meetings on a rotational basis,
Volunteering for duties such as hall cleaning and working bees,
Supporting fundraising events and activities, or grant seeking,
Becoming an active member of the Group Committee, which assists the Group Leader and Group Council and promotes the aims and principles of Scouting in conjunction with the Group,
Serving as an office bearer on the Group Committee.
Being a volunteer, non-profit organisation, it is up to the Group to be self sufficient financially, and we have an extremely successful fundraising system in place to achieve and maintain this year on year. There are many fundraising opportunities throughout the year, and we count on you to get involved.
Our fundraising system is unique – we believe that it doesn’t exist at any other group – as it directly benefits the youth member and the Group. A certain percentage of the profit of most fundraising activities you participate in is set aside to assist that youth member to pay for future activities such as camps, weekend activities, Cuboree and Jamboree. The more you participate in fundraising activities the more you benefit.
There are also a number of group activities throughout the year such as our annual family camp, trivia night and Christmas party where the whole family can be involved.